About Personal life & Work life

UAE JOURNAL: How did you come up with the idea for “GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess”?

Dayana Kanturska: You know every woman`s dream is to look good and we could spend millions to be able to achieve that. And we become more and more obsessed by looking incredible. When you go on social networks there is full with different influencers and skin care advisors that suggest certain products or supplements. That, attention, they had been paid to do so. And the mass just follows them and the trends without thinking, without reasoning.

But the problem is that they do not talk about why you have to do that, is that what is going to work for you or no. They look on in on a superficial level.

And because we are so focused on external looks, we neglect the most important aspects of Lifestyle. This means everything from our diet, working out, sleeping, stress. These are all factors that we don’t even look at them as an aspect in a way that influence our look.

It is not just the skin care you use; this is a lot more than that. It`s your mental state, quality of life, your habits and lastly is the products you use. Keep in mind, if the serum that your friend use and that is happy with, non-totally for sure this same product will make the same effect on your skin. That`s why you have to know your skin before everything else. Learn to listen to her.

I noticed that part was missing. Nobody teaches you how to listen to your skin and take control of it. Neither about the what advantage it can give in the highly competitive business world. I set up the way and that`s how Glowfood – #GlowForSuccess comes out.

UAE JOURNAL: How do you describe yourself in one word?

Dayana Kanturska: Brave. No risk, no reward. We’ve all heard it before.

The vision of “GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess”

UAE JOURNAL: Explain what Glowfood – #GlowForSuccess is about and what does it do.

Dayana Kanturska: This is a customized program that focuses on giving you the confidence in your skin that will set you apart. Glowfood – #GlowForSuccess has a 360-degree approach. By that I mean proper nutrition and supplementation on the inside, skincare on the outside and proper mindset and lifestyle

UAE JOURNAL: What do you value the most about “GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess” vision?

Dayana Kanturska: The Reason. It gives the deserved attention on the REASON why you have to take care of your skin.

Goals & Strength of “GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess”

UAE JOURNAL: What are your goals?

Dayana Kanturska: Become the best it can be. I strive to continuous improvement while making periodic changes to increase the efficiency, accuracy and effectiveness of the program. Make it available to all women worldwide so that they can improve their lives

UAE JOURNAL: What do you feel is the biggest strength of “GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess” right now?

Dayana Kanturska: In general, it’s always good to keep an eye on the competition, not to copy but to always keep up and look for new inspiration. Periodically carrying out a competitor analysis has a double advantage: it allows you to identify potential opportunities, but also potential threats. By doing that I still see that GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess biggest strength remains that it is differentiated. It does not work only on superficial mode. It is not just a guide how and what to do something and keep your skin beautiful. It`s more. It educates. Helps you take the control of your skin in your hands and take the advantage of it in the business world because in this time we live our skin is our business card.

Challenges & Competition

UAE JOURNAL: What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Dayana Kanturska: I feel to succeed you need a relentless energy, focus and enthusiasm for what you do. Honing this during all the time can be a challenge.

UAE JOURNAL: What is different from “GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess” to other programs in a very competitive market?

Dayana Kanturska: Three main things: Unique Approach, Personalized Solutions and Lifestyle Update

Unique Approach: GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSucces go beyond just the skin care and incorporate other elements such as nutrition, lifestyle, stress management and mindfulness.

Personalized Solutions: As individuals we all have unique needs and goals when it comes to our skin. That`s why GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess offers personalized solutions tailored to each woman.

Lifestyle Update: Having beautiful skin is influenced by multiple factors beyond just skin care and GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess provide lifestyle update that encompass stress management techniques, exercise guides, sleep optimization, and mindfulness practices. GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess empower women to make sustainable changes that positively impact their skin and their overall quality of life.

Benefits for Clients from “GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess”

UAE JOURNAL: What benefits are your clients getting from “GLOWFOOD – #GlowForSuccess”?

Dayana Kanturska: They are always one step ahead because they feel better in their skin. Gain more self-esteem.

We could define our face as a letter of introduction addressed to the outside world. Everything related to our appearance has an impact on an emotional level and in our professional life. Just as well-groomed skin gives self-esteem. And the Success loves the Self-Esteem.

It is all connected.

Advice from Dayana Kanturska

UAE JOURNAL: What message would you like to leave for your readers?

Dayana Kanturska: As women, we’re often taught to sacrifice our own happiness to the point where we’re not even sure what it looks like to take care of ourselves. In a way, skincare is a part of that: it’s taking care of yourself and it’s saying yes to upgrade your life.

Be continuously seeking knowledge and open to feedback. It is important to understand the importance of the appearance and the advantage it could give. Time spent on yourself is never wasted time, so put yourself at the center of your attention.